The use of marijuana and CBD for the treatment of a range of ailments has increased dramatically in recent years. CBD has been discovered to provide potential health benefits for symptoms such as sleeplessness. Here’s some history on CBD and how it affects your body and sleep.
Cannabinoids and CBD: What Are They?
Cannabinoids are chemical substances that operate as chemical messengers by binding or attaching to certain receptors in the central nervous system. The effects of cannabinoids on the body vary depending on the type of cannabinoid aa meetings buffalo ny.
Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most well-known and possibly most investigated cannabinoids (THC). THC is the cannabinoid that causes the “high” or “buzz” associated with cannabis consumption.
CBD, unlike THC, does not produce psychoactive effects or a “high.” CBD is gaining popularity as a potential treatment for a variety of disorders because it does not produce euphoric effects and may help with symptoms including pain, anxiety, and insomnia.
Cannabinoids and CBD: How Do They Work?
The workings of cannabinoids (including CBD) are not totally understood. CBD and cannabinoids interact with proteins and cells in the brain, according to study. A system that was only recently found may also contain some answers.
Sleep and the Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system has been discovered to play a role in sustaining key biological processes such as mood, appetite, sleep, and circadian rhythm regulation. A network of cannabinoid receptors in the brain and central nervous system make up the endocannabinoid system. CB1 and CB2 are the two main receptors discovered.
Cannabinoids bind to these cells and produce a variety of actions. In terms of how they might effect sleep, some study suggests that the cannabinoid CBD interacts with certain receptors, which could affect the sleep/wake cycle.
CBD may also help with anxiety and pain, both of which can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. It’s also possible that by minimising certain symptoms, sleep will improve.
What Has CBD Been Proven To Do In Research?
Although additional research is needed, some evidence suggests that the best CBD and cannabinoids may help people sleep better. The participants in this study, which was published in the journal Medicines, were 409 insomniacs. From June 2016 to May 2018, data was gathered. On a scale of one to ten, participants rated their insomnia symptoms, with ten being the most severe. On average, the initial symptoms were given a score of 6.6.
The subjects were given cannabis flower through a variety of techniques of combustion, including vape, pipe, and joint. The average THC potency was 20%, with a maximum of 30%. The average CBD potency was 5.7 percent, with a maximum of 30 percent. Participants assessed their symptoms on average at 2.2 after consuming cannabis, a decrease of 4.5.
The findings showed that cannabinoids in cannabis reduced insomnia symptoms. However, the cannabis flower, which includes multiple cannabinoids, was used in the study. It’s impossible to say whether CBD or another cannabinoid helped with insomnia.
CBD pills containing 25 mg of CBD were administered to study participants.
72 adults with anxiety and poor sleep were included in another study published in the Permanente Journal. At the outset of the trial and at the one-month follow-up, the participants filled out anxiety and sleep questionnaires. CBD capsules containing 25 mg of CBD were administered to study participants. The dose was given in the evening to those who had a lot of sleep problems. CBD was given to participants who had anxiety as their primary complaint in the morning.
Anxiety levels dropped in 79 percent of participants after the first month. Sixty-six percent of the participants improved their sleep scores, indicating that they were having less problems sleeping. The findings imply that CBD helped several of the individuals sleep better. However, while the reduction in anxiety symptoms was consistent throughout the research, the sleep ratings fluctuated.
Several smaller studies have also shown that CBD oil can help people sleep better. A 10-year-old child with post-traumatic stress disorder and poor sleep, for example, was treated with CBD in a case study. A 25 mg CBD supplement was given at bedtime as part of a study. During the day, 6 to 12 mg of CBD was given as a sublingual spray to help with anxiety. Over the course of five months, both the quantity and quality of sleep improved.
Though there is a lot of evidence that CBD and cannabinoids can help you sleep better, the results aren’t conclusive, and more research is needed.
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