Why is MetaTrader4 the most reliable online trading platform?
The world of trading has several options available to traders, but none are as reliable and well-suited for all traders as MetaTrader4. This platform is provided by many brokers, which is not surprising given that its features which makes it the ideal option for almost all traders.
MetaTrader 4 is the most reliable online trading platform because it’s:
1) Securely encrypted with SSL technology
2) Easy to use with a user-friendly interface
3) Robust enough for manual and automated trading
4) Unlimited research materials at your fingertips
5) Ability to trade on the spot in live markets.
6) Smart charts which make it easy and quick to trade.
7) Real-time, round-the-clock customer service phones
8) Real-time charts on the web; 24 hours a day.
9) Trading in real-time with an independent matching engine that provides you with the most up-to-date information.
10) 100% secure login via FTP.
11) Compatible with major economic systems such as Currency pairs, binary futures pairs, and European options pairs
12) User-friendly platform and intuitive user interface.
13) Access to MT5.com – the largest online database of trading techniques and strategies (MT5 demo account required).
“Online trading” is a very broad term because it is referring to different things in different times and countries. In some countries, the term online trading is used to describe trading from a home computer, or mobile device. In other countries, online trading refers to “trading” in an electronic capacity – for example, automated trading. While these are two different types of trades (one being hand-based and the other being simulated) they can both be considered forms of online trading.
Trading Software for Windows, Linux, and MAC Systems
MetaTrader4 is a trading platform that can be downloaded and installed on a Windows, Linux, or MAC OS operating system. It is also supported by any internet browser. The MT4 platform is compatible with the following operating systems:
Windows XP SP2 or later, Vista 32-bit or 64-bit SP1 or later, Windows 7 32-Bit (x86) and 64 Bit (x64), Windows 8 32-Bit (x86) and 64 Bit (x64), Windows 10 32-Bit (x86) and 64 Bit (x64). If you are using Linux OS then MT4 works with all versions of Kernel 2.6.2 or higher”.
The MT4 platform can also be downloaded on your android device.
By purchasing a Metatrader4 license you agree not to install it on multiple PCs except for your personal use. You are not allowed to re-sell or rent this software to any 3rd party with whom you do not have a direct business relationship and who has no direct contractual obligations. You are not allowed to provide third-party access to this software (using granting permission or otherwise) for currency trading purposes.
However, there is no restriction on the number of MT4 instances you install and use on your network server (provided they are not used by you or any other persons outside your company). One multi-user license allows installation of the software on one server with an unlimited number of clients allowed to directly connect to it.
Depending on the purchased licensing option, either 10 or 20 concurrent client connections are allowed. In case an unlimited number of clients is required, a special applicable licensing has to be purchased additionally. The license will allow the MetaTrader terminal program to run by itself and perform trading operations. It also enables other 3rd party software.
Why trade forex with the Metatrader 4?
Many people think that trading forex with the Metatrader 4 involves clicking on a few buttons and letting computers do all the work. The Metatrader 4 is, in fact, a robust platform that takes some time to learn. But once you know how it works, you will be able to trade at your leisure while also improving your understanding of market dynamics.
The MetaTrader 4 was designed to be user-friendly, with a lot of built-in features. However, most new users fail to take advantage of all the features it provides.
A new breed of advisors
A major problem that many traders have is that they do not have enough time or experience to manage their trading effectively. The MetaTrader 4 offers you the option of using automated advisors, which are sophisticated algorithms based on artificial intelligence. They can be used on the currency pairs that you want to trade automatically with the parameters you specify.
Some advisors use advanced trend analysis techniques; others use techniques like average convergence divergence. For example, if you use the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) advisor, you can set it to generate buy and sell signals based on the difference in two moving averages of currency prices. These advisors are particularly useful for those who can’t spend a lot of time trading or for those who need to be away from their computers at certain hours.
The MetaTrader 4 also allows you to handle your orders manually so that you can continue doing what you do best: analyzing market dynamics and deciding which positions will yield the highest returns on investment. The flexibility provided by the MetaTrader 4 allows you to traverse different strategies with ease. The MetaTrader 4 has several technical indicators that are available for you to use. They can be used in combination with each other or simply to make your daily analysis more efficient.
For example, if you want to analyze how fast the trend is moving, you can compare the difference between two moving averages. You can also use different indicators to check on the different time frames when a particular currency pair is trending upward or downward.