Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/corona-coronavirus-virus-blood-5174671/
Medicinal marijuana has become a potential treatment for multiple modern-day health concerns like anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and chronic pain symptoms. Besides this, the magical compound CBD, in the Cannabis Sativa plant family, has shown signs of enhancing sex drives, curing cancer signs, and treating Alzheimer’s disease.
While we are talking about health conditions, how can we forget the COVID-19 crisis that has been on the minds of everyone for about three years now? The worldwide outbreak took away millions of lives, degraded the health conditions of humans globally, and created an environment of fear for nearly three years. The rage against COVID-19 has drained after all these years, and people can finally breathe freely after a long time.
Researchers are studying the pivotal role of cannabidiol or CBD in marijuana in treating the various anxieties and symptoms of the deadliest coronavirus. And the good news is that study results are much in favor. As helpful as it may sound, like other CBDmd CBD products and treatments, there is no approval from the FDA yet for using CBD as a coronavirus treatment. For this reason, we don’t promote buying CBD from the local dispensaries and use it as a shield against COVID-19.
However, a study published in Science Advances supports the claim that CBD may help prevent the COVID-19 virus spread. According to this study, when mice were treated with CBD, the CBD successfully prevented the spread of coronavirus infection in them. It also claimed that CBD has the potential to stop virus infection even in lung cells. In the same study, over one thousand humans were given the FDA-approved variant of commercial CBD oil as their epilepsy treatment.
We know that CBD might be effective in stopping the spread of coronavirus. However, more clinical research is needed to establish a piece of solid evidence for the same.
Effects of Covid-19 on the Health of People
COVID-19 has been harsh on the human physique. Additionally, it has left devastating impacts on mental health as well. Because of physical, financial, socioeconomic, and spiritual loss during the pandemic, individuals struggle with mental battles and related conditions like stress, anxiety, depression, and irregular sleep cycles.
Besides triggering the bad in the respiratory system, the coronavirus has combined effects on psychological levels, too. Many people don’t understand the connection between physical and mental health. However, the quarantine period has made the concept clear in people’s minds. Remaining away from the near and dear ones has affected their mental peace and energy levels on a psychological scale.
These are not mere bluffs but evidence-backed facts. That said, 45% of Americans feel that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted their mental health. It is simply because of the stress and anxiety associated with the coronavirus epidemic. Several factors like personal background, support from friends and family, societal support, financial stability, physical health background, and emotional balance are responsible for triggering stress during a pandemic among individuals.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people faced mental struggles during the outbreak and post-pandemic. It includes everything from adapting to new lifestyle changes, the fear of contracting the virus, or the vulnerability of the loved ones. These thoughts may make anyone’s mind irrational.
That’s where CBD comes into the picture.
Uses and Benefits of CBD in the Pandemic
Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/leaves-cannabis-plant-herbal-5424615/
CBD offers various potential health benefits, ranging from pain alleviation and mood enhancement to anti-inflammatory properties and helps in treating anxiety and depression. Additionally, the different CBD-infused products like gummies, vapes, cookies, and oil made it a popular choice among consumers.
Oasis Intelligence is a company that shares real-life consumer insights into the global cannabis and hemp market. According to one of its polls, 5% of the population turned to use CBD oil during the pandemic to curb their mental stress.
The patients and the healthcare professionals who worked their hearts out during the coronavirus outbreak find CBD’s soothing effects beneficial in getting a proper sleep after working for endless hours during the pandemic. An article published in the CNN journal on April 20, 2020, affirms it.
According to KFF, every four out of ten adults in America admitted to having symptoms of anxiety and depression during the pandemic. In a poll conducted by the same organization, participants reported negative impacts on their overall mental health. Following are the key statistics from the survey:
- 36% of participants admitted to sleeping difficulties,
- 32% of participants admitted to eating challenges,
- 12% of participants admitted to increased alcohol consumption or drugs use, and
- 12% of participants admitted to deteriorating chronic illnesses.
To help people struggling with these problems, various brands, and online vendors came up with CBD products while the pandemic was ongoing. Some even offered a 50% discount to medical professionals on buying CBD products online from their stores during the pandemic.
Apart from this, various other companies donated all their profit from online orders to organizations that helped supply medical resources to healthcare professionals hassle-free during COVID-19.
Likewise, some of the manufacturers of CBD-based products directed their funds to the UN’s COVID-19 response fund. It proves that these companies helped people with two hands. One, by selling CBD products that potentially helped people deal with their mental illnesses. And two, donating and distributing their profits to funds that aim at making COVID-19 relief projects work better.
We have learned enough about how COVID-19 has impacted the bodies and brains of people across the globe. Moreover, we have become familiar with how CBD has helped them overcome all the challenges. There are not many studies, research, or scientific proof to support this claim. However, if you ask any CBD consumer pre-pandemic and during the pandemic, you will find that CBD has been effective for many of them.
The best part is that the first cannabis-based COVID-19 treatment has already hit the market. Dr. Van Breemen, from the Oregon State’s Global Hemp Innovation Centre, College of Pharmacy, and Linus Pauling Institute, invented the world’s first CBD-based wellness formula to treat coronavirus, which is no less than a miracle!