nancy pelosi beach

See the pics: Pelosi hits Italian beach in luxury vacation as husband faces DUI charge

nancy pelosi beach A month after receiving a DUI driving home from a California winery, Paul Pelosi and his wife, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., jetted off to the beaches…

celina powell friend

Aliza: Where to find Celina Powell’s friend on Instagram

celina powell friend Socialite and Instagram model Celina Powell appeared on a podcast with her friend, Aliza, this week. The two Instagram models spoke candidly about Source Keep reading for the…

baseball phenom dies

Baseball phenom, 13, dies by suicide. He came home from school, left video: ‘I hate my life’

baseball phenom dies This story explores suicide, including a mother and father’s struggle after their 13-year-old son took his life. If you are at risk, please stop here and contact…

lana rhodes prison

Why Did Lana Rhoades Go To Prison?

lana rhodes prison Ex-pornstar Lana Rhoades may be doing well for herself now, but she has a bit of a rocky past. When she was still in her teens, she…

bam margera

Bam Margera Claims He’s Sober, Wants To See His Kid Again

bam margera Bam Margera has been having a custody battle with his ex, and reportedly hasn’t seen his son for months. The first episode of Jackass premiered back in ……

airport chauffeur service NYC

5 Key Benefits of Hiring an Airport Chauffeur Service

Hiring an airport car service is about more than just getting to your destination on time. A reliable company will provide personalized service from start to finish, ensuring you’re comfortable…

Contact Center As a Service

Why Should You Consider a Contact Center As a Service?

A contact center manages incoming calls and emails from customers seeking technical support. It helps businesses resolve issues, handle billing and credit requests, and address customer complaints. It can also…

reduce your electrical usage

Energy-Saving Tips to Reduce Your Electricity Bill With Power Plans

Your home’s electricity consumption can be reduced with small changes to your behavior. Turning down the fridge temperature or using eco settings on appliances are quick wins, as is insulating…

best travel website designer

Choosing the Best Travel Website Designer: What to Look for and Why It Matters

In the digital age, having a powerful online presence is critical for every business. For businesses in the tourism sector, this is particularly vital. An engaging and user-friendly website can…

outdoor menorah lights

Brightening the Public Space: The Art and Etiquette of Outdoor Menorah Lighting

Hanukkah, a timeless symbol of faith and resilience, brings families and communities together around a shared heritage. As one of the most recognized symbols of this holiday, the menorah holds…