People expected to graduate from college in 2030 will do 85% of jobs that are so new that they haven’t even been invented yet. This means that skills need to change as well. As machines do more work, AI and automation will be big drivers. Smart machines with artificial intelligence (AI) will do more and more tasks that require thinking and making decisions instead of just automating tasks that can be done by hand.
According to techkmarket.com survey, successful people in business and industry will learn how to use the “human touch” where they need to, while smart machines and software will help them improve their skills. Here are five sets of skills you should have.
Data Communicator/Storyteller
As we get closer to 2023, companies will need and value data communicators and storytellers more and more. This is because, according to a study by Forrester on behalf of Tableau, 70% of jobs will be directly related to data by 2025. Every company needs people who can understand, translate, and share data.
This set of skills means giving useful insights to the right person at the right time. But it would help if you had a story element to effectively share insights. People who have done this for a long time can understand data and use it to tell stories. You can explain where the insights came from, why they are important to your business, and how to use them.
The rise of telecommuting and remote work, which started with the Covid-19 pandemic, will continue until 2023. This means that all companies must have strong cybersecurity. It’s no longer just the IT department’s job; all employees are expected to keep their data safe and make their business areas more resilient. But that doesn’t mean cybersecurity experts have been around for a long time, and 10 million experts are expected to work in the field by 2023.
UX Design
User Experience (UX) design and the closely related User Interface (UI) design will become more valuable skills as digital transformation turns every company into a technology company and every job into a technical job. Troubleshooting takes a lot of time in this job, and network and computer system administrators need to be ready at all times in case of emergencies or problems. How much experience you ask for depends on how big your network is, but you have skills and qualifications that will help you find the best workers.
The democratization of technology means that everyone is expected to use technology somehow, no matter what they do. This means that anyone can use the technology, even if they don’t have the skills, like software or programming skills, that are usually needed to use it.
Digital Marketing
We live in an “attention economy.” This means that our attention is becoming increasingly valuable, and for brands and businesses, getting it is the most important thing they can do. Digital marketing means using the power of all technical solutions that are meant to attract customers and make their products and services the centre of their attention. From social media advertising to influencer-driven campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing funnels, and cutting-edge channels like Metaverse and Augmented Reality (AR), digital marketing requires a wide range of digital skills, from technology to creativity. A good marketer can be an expert in one or more of these areas. We will keep our jobs in 2023 as long as we can use our skills to improve the metrics important to our company.