What Can You Do With an Associate’s Degree

Associate’s Degree

Did you know that around 25 million people enrolled in college in the United States in 2020? Going to college can boost your confidence, allow you to meet new friends, and help you get a job. 

While there are many benefits to attending college, going to a 4-year university can be expensive. A cheaper option could be to get an associate’s degree. 

What is an associate’s degree? An associate’s degree is a post-high school course of study that takes around two years to complete. 

What can you do with an associate’s degree? Keep reading to learn why you should consider getting your associate’s degree. 


One of the best industries to go into after getting your associate’s degree is the healthcare industry. You can get your degree in nursing, occupational therapy, medical assistance, and dental hygiene. 

There are endless job opportunities, so you can pick what you are most interested in. Those in healthcare make good money, get the satisfaction of helping people, and have the option to continue their education. 

Skilled Trades

Another option for those wanting an associate’s degree is skilled trades. Skilled trades include welding, car mechanics, construction, and industrial maintenance. 

Learning a skilled trade allows you to get a high-paying job where you help people and work with your hands. There will always be a demand for skilled trades, so you won’t have to worry about job security. 

Information Technology

If you enjoy working with technology, you should consider getting an associate’s degree in information technology. You can learn to repair computers, help other employees with tech issues, or build websites. 

Some of the most common information technology degrees include computer programming, web development, cybersecurity, project management, and database systems. 

People in the technology industry make a lot of money, have solid job security, and get to continue learning throughout their careers. 


One of the most popular degree options is business. A business degree can help you start a business or work for another company. You can get an associate’s degree in bookkeeping, marketing, real estate, and economics. 

If you enjoy business, you can continue your education to climb the ladder. If you want to get started in the business world, considering pursuing one of the many associate degrees online is one of the easiest ways to do it. 


If you enjoy helping people, you should consider the legal industry. While you can’t become a lawyer with an associate’s degree, you can become a legal assistant or paralegal. 

Paralegals and assistants help lawyers organize their day, find important information for a case, and set up interviews. On average, paralegals make $51,000 per year

What Can You Do With an Associate’s Degree? Now You Know

Going to college gives you the chance to meet new people, learn a new subject, and get a job. What can you do with an associate’s degree? You can enter the healthcare, skilled trades, information technology, business, or legal industry. 

Was this article on how to use associate degrees helpful? If so, check out our blog for more similar tips. 

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About the Author: Katherine

Katherine is a passionate digital nomad with a major in English language and literature, a word connoisseur who loves writing about raging technologies, digital marketing, and career conundrums.

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