10 Of The Best Social-Emotional Learning Apps For Children’s Mental Health & Wellbeing

Social-Emotional Learning Apps

In the modern world, kids have access to a lot of technology – but how can we use it for their benefit? In this article, we’re going to explore one of the best social-emotional learning apps for children’s mental health and wellbeing. We’ll cover everything from mindfulness and stress management to communication skills and resilience – so read on to find out more!

Benefits of SEL for Children’s Mental Health & Wellbeing

It is no secret that the world we live in today can be a stressful place for children. From academic pressure to social media, children are constantly bombarded with stimuli that can impact their mental health and wellbeing. That is why it is so important to promote social-emotional learning (SEL) in our schools and homes.

SEL refers to the process of acquiring and using the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to effectively manage emotions, set goals, achieve success, and establish positive relationships. In other words, it helps children understand and regulate their emotions, develop empathy for others, and resolve conflicts peacefully.

There is a growing body of research showing that SEL has numerous benefits for children’s mental health and wellbeing. For example, one study found that SEL interventions reduced rates of depression, anxiety, and aggression in children aged 3-5 years old. Another study showed that SEL programs improved academic achievement in elementary school students.

There are many different ways to promote SEL in children. Some schools have implemented SEL curriculum into their classrooms, while others offer after-school programs or extracurricular activities focused on SEL skills. There are also a number of apps and online resources available to help parents teach SEL at home.

If you are looking for ways to promote SEL in your child, consider trying some of the following:

The Best SEL Apps for Kids

There are many great social-emotional learning apps for children’s mental health and wellbeing. Here are some of the best:

  1. SEL Compass: This app is designed to help children learn about and manage their emotions. It includes activities, games, and articles that teach children how to express their feelings, cope with stress, and resolve conflicts.
  2. Thrively: This app helps children set goals, track progress, and develop positive habits. It also includes a social-emotional learning component that teaches children how to manage emotions, connect with others, and make responsible decisions.
  3. Happify: This app provides activities and games that help children reduce stress and build resilience. It also includes a social-emotional learning component that teaches children how to manage emotions, connect with others, and make responsible decisions.
  4. Calm Counter: This app helps children learn how to self-regulate their emotions through breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. It also includes a social-emotional learning component that teaches children how to manage emotions, connect with others, and make responsible decisions.
  5. My Mood Tracker: This app helps children track their moods over time so they can identify patterns and triggers for negative emotions. It also includes a social-emotional learning component that teaches children how to manage emotions, connect with others, and make responsible decisions.

How to Choose the Right App for Your Child

There are a growing number of social-emotional learning (SEL) apps available to support children’s mental health and wellbeing. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right one for your child?

Here are some things to consider when selecting an SEL app for your child:

  1. The app’s age range. Make sure the app is appropriate for your child’s age.
  2. The app’s purpose. What is the app designed to do? Does it focus on teaching specific SEL skills, or is it more general in nature?
  3. The app’s content. What kind of activities and exercises does the app include? Are they engaging and enjoyable for your child?
  4. The app’s format. How easy is it to use? Is it compatible with your child’s device?
  5. The app’s price. Some apps are free, while others come with a subscription fee. Consider what you’re willing to spend before downloading anything.

Keep these factors in mind when choosing an SEL app for your child, and you’ll be sure to find one that meets their needs and helps them develop important social-emotional skills!

Tips on Using SEL Apps with Kids

  1. Choose an app that is age-appropriate: there are many SEL apps available, so make sure to select one that is appropriate for your child’s age group.
  2. Consider your child’s interests: look for an app that covers topics or activities that your child enjoys, as they are more likely to engage with it and benefit from it.
  3. Set some ground rules: before using the app, agree on some basic rules with your child about how long they can use it for, when they can use it, and what they should do if they come across something upsetting.
  4. Check in regularly: check in with your child periodically to see how they’re getting on with the app and whether they’re finding it helpful.

Conclusion: Final Thoughts on The Power of SEL Apps

When it comes to children’s mental health and wellbeing, there is no doubt that social-emotional learning (SEL) apps can be powerful tools. Not only can they help children to identify and understand their emotions, but they can also teach them how to manage and cope with them in healthy ways.

There are a wide variety of SEL apps available, so it is important to choose one that is right for your child’s needs and interests. However, all of the apps on our list have the potential to promote positive social-emotional development in children. So, whether you are looking for an app to help your child with anxiety, anger management, or simply developing better social skills, there is sure to be an SEL app that can help.

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About the Author: Katherine

Katherine is a passionate digital nomad with a major in English language and literature, a word connoisseur who loves writing about raging technologies, digital marketing, and career conundrums.

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