Elevate Your Small Business with These 5 Pro Tips

Elevate Your Small Business

Elevating your small business to the next level can be extremely difficult if you don’t know where to start. But the good news is, there are lots of pro tips and strategies that you can use to catapult your business into something more impressive, while also adding more value to your customers in the process. These 5 pro tips will help you elevate your small business and take it to the next level.

1) Protect Your Brand

Investing in a professional logo and tagline can pay off in spades. Not only does it show you’re serious about your business, but it also lets customers associate your brand with a trusted individual or organization. Whether you hire a branding expert or do it yourself, put care into coming up with a tagline that embodies what makes your small business unique. For example, if you own an ice cream shop named after your favorite childhood book character, come up with something like The Great Gatsby’s Ice Cream Shop.

2) Define your brand voice

When establishing your brand voice, think about how you want customers to feel about your business. Do you want them to feel excited, bold, or optimistic? Or are you more comfortable aligning with a more formal and reserved tone? Whatever voice you choose will influence every aspect of your business. Don’t be afraid to experiment. You can always change course later if you decide it isn’t for you.

Create an elevator pitch: An elevator pitch is a 30-second commercial that describes what your company does and why people should care. It should be easily digestible (no one wants to listen to a long-winded spiel) while also being detailed enough that people know exactly what they’re getting into before they make their decision. If you have trouble coming up with an elevator pitch on your own, ask someone else someone who knows nothing about what you do to give it a listen.

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3) Create engaging content

Don’t just go with whatever pops into your head when you sit down to write. Think about how people will find your content, and how it will fit into their lives.

Ask yourself:

Who are my customers? What are their jobs? How do they like to learn? What attracts them to me?

Then tailor your content based on those answers. If you are looking for small business advice, we created a post air charter that would be beneficial for you.

4) Use a tool like TweetDeck to monitor your social media channels

Another way to elevate your small business is to use a tool like TweetDeck to monitor your social media channels. TweetDeck allows you to keep up with relevant conversations and react in real-time. You can also schedule posts using prewritten tweets or direct messages, making it easy for you to find new followers and respond efficiently without wasting valuable time on unnecessary tasks. And if you’re looking to add more customers, don’t forget that Twitter is one of the best places to do so. According to Adweek, Twitter users are twice as likely as non-users to follow brands they like on Twitter. And according to social media Today, 80% of consumers say they trust recommendations from friends over all other forms of advertising. So, make sure you have a strong presence on Twitter!

5) Follow up with every lead

Even though it can take a lot of time, following up with every lead is an essential part of your small business sales strategy. While you might think that following up with some leads is enough, if you’re serious about moving your business forward, it’s best to follow up with every lead. Use automation tools like Salesforce or Capterra to schedule automated reminders for when you need to follow up on a lead. If you don’t have a marketing automation tool in place, try using email marketing software such as MailChimp.

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About the Author: Katherine

Katherine is a passionate digital nomad with a major in English language and literature, a word connoisseur who loves writing about raging technologies, digital marketing, and career conundrums.

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