Around 30% of musicians spend half of their working time on marketing as they do the other half creating music. As musicians, as much as you enjoy being your creative best, marketing your creations is of equal importance to reaching your target audience online quran memorization course.
Online marketing tools such as emails offer an excellent avenue for musicians to showcase their creations to an audience right in their inboxes. Approaching users interested in music in a personal setting makes them likely to engage with you.
Read on to know how you can leverage the power of email marketing to promote your band’s albums on a large scale.
How email marketing helps creative people
Creative people such as musicians usually aren’t that well versed in marketing to go on promotional campaigns for their albums. Email marketing and its personalized approach help them bypass that barrier and connect with their audience.
You can directly talk to your fans and get honest feedback on your songs. You can deliver personal messages to them. You may also share important updates that concern them that help you develop a bond with them.
Before you begin promoting your albums through email, make sure you build a considerable mailing list. You may acquire emails through your social media pages as well as websites. Simply asking avid fans for emails to stay in touch can also help.
How to use email to promote your new album
Remember that anyone receiving your emails is already interested in your work. So, talk to them with that familiarity. Use emails to build a bond with them by having personal conversations over the foundation of your music.
Given below are a few strategies to help you use email marketing to promote your band’s albums:
1. Familiarize yourself with your audience
One of the most comprehensive ways to use email marketing for promoting your album releases is to send emails that familiarise yourself with your audience. Send emails that catch you up with them, so to speak.
Tell them what you have been up to and bring up your new album. It brings a sense of personal connection where they will be more interested to check on your new work because you informed them conversationally.
You can find numerous free email templates to email marketing tools such as PosterMyWall that help you create vibrant and catchy emails in minutes. Simply pick a template of choice, edit the text with pictures and videos and download it to be sent in bulk.
2. Remind them about the album release
You may use short newsletters or quick reminders to remind your fans about the album’s release. For maximum impact, keep your fans in the loop right from the beginning. Tease the album right when it is in the early development stage.
When it’s ready for release, all you have to do is remind people about it instead of relaying all the information at once. Pack a punch by attaching a vibrant album cover art along with the reminder to catch the reader’s attention.
Adding graphics in general helps make the messages pop out. There are many templates to choose from on PosterMyWall, depending on the look and aesthetic you go for. Make sure to stick with a single image to not confuse the readers.
3. Send a sample track
Product samples would induce 73% of the customers to try a product. Product sampling is an extremely powerful promotional tool that can easily be replicated in email form. Simply send a sample track of part of a track from your new album to your mailing list to incite interest.
It makes your target audience directly interact with your creations. Should they like them, they are highly likely to spread the good word about your album. More importantly, it helps them feel special and included in your special fanbase, strengthening your bond.
4. Request a review
Asking for a review of your album is another way to interact with your mailing list and promote your new creations. The user will have to engage with it to review it. And they are likely to entertain your request as you ask it personally in an email.
It also serves the dual purpose of garnering you valuable reviews that in turn help other users. Make sure to make the review process as easy as possible for receivers of the emails. If you can, allow them to give their review in the mail itself instead of taking them off-site.
Final thoughts
Email marketing is one of the most effective online marketing tools that relishes in its personalized nature. Creative professionals such as musicians and bands can take great advantage of it to connect with their audience.
Send emails about your upcoming albums to let your fans know what to look forward to. Make them feel special by sending samples and demos. Furthermore, engage them in the events by requesting reviews and feedback.